Latihan Soal PPPK Guru Bahasa Inggris dan Pembahasan Terbaru! - Studiku
Latihan Soal PPPK Guru Bahasa Inggris dan Pembahasan Terbaru!

Latihan Soal PPPK Guru Bahasa Inggris dan Pembahasan Terbaru!

Lathifah Ummul Nailah
Lathifah Ummul Nailah
13 Juli 2024

Hi Teman-Teman Studiku!

Selamat datang di blog kami, tempat yang ideal untuk mempersiapkan diri menghadapi seleksi Pegawai Pemerintah dengan Perjanjian Kerja (PPPK) sebagai Guru Bahasa Inggris. Kami memahami bahwa peran kamu sebagai guru sangat vital dalam membentuk kemampuan berbahasa dan komunikasi generasi penerus bangsa. Oleh karena itu, kami hadir untuk mendukung persiapan kamu dengan menyediakan berbagai latihan soal yang berkualitas.

Di blog ini, kamu akan menemukan beragam latihan soal PPPK Guru Bahasa Inggris. Soal-soal yang kami sajikan tidak hanya menguji pengetahuan dasar, tetapi juga dirancang untuk mengasah keterampilan berpikir kritis dan analitis kamu. Dengan berlatih menggunakan soal-soal ini, kamu akan lebih siap dan percaya diri menghadapi ujian seleksi nanti.

Setiap soal dilengkapi dengan pembahasan yang rinci dan mudah dipahami. Kami ingin memastikan kamu tidak hanya tahu jawabannya, tetapi juga memahami konsep dan logika di balik setiap soal. Selain itu, kami menyediakan tips dan strategi jitu untuk membantu kamu menguasai materi dengan lebih efektif.

Ayo, manfaatkan blog ini sebagai sarana latihan dan persiapan kamu. Mulailah menjelajahi soal-soal yang ada dan tingkatkan kemampuan kamu setiap hari. Bersama-sama, kita wujudkan impian kamu menjadi Guru Bahasa Inggris PPPK yang kompeten dan profesional. Selamat berlatih, dan semoga sukses!

Latihan Soal PPPK Guru Bahasa Inggris- Ahli Pertama

Soal 1

Question: What is meant by Inquiry-Based Learning?

  • A. Teacher-centered lecture-based learning
  • B. Learning that requires students to memorize material
  • C. Learning where students learn through discovery and exploration
  • D. Learning that only uses textbooks
  • E. Learning that focuses on homework assignments

Answer: C. Learning where students learn through discovery and exploration Explanation: Inquiry-Based Learning is an approach where students learn through discovery and exploration, encouraging critical thinking and problem-solving.

Soal 2

You are teaching Grammar and Vocabulary. Before starting a lesson on Tenses and Aspects, you need to ensure that students have the relevant prerequisite knowledge to understand the different tenses effectively. As a teacher, what prerequisite knowledge is most important for students to have before starting a lesson on Tenses and Aspects?

  • A. Understanding the basic parts of speech (nouns, verbs, adjectives)
  • B. Knowing how to use modal verbs in sentences
  • C. Recognizing the difference between active and passive voice
  • D. Identifying various sentence structures (simple, compound, complex)
  • E. Being able to distinguish between direct and indirect speech

Answer: A. Understanding the basic parts of speech (nouns, verbs, adjectives) Explanation: Understanding the basic parts of speech is crucial because it forms the foundation for comprehending more complex grammatical structures like tenses. Nouns and verbs are essential components in forming sentences, and adjectives often interact with them. Without this fundamental knowledge, students would struggle to grasp the more intricate aspects of tenses and how they function within sentences. Modal verbs, sentence structures, voice, and speech forms are important but can be built upon the foundational knowledge of parts of speech.

Soal 3

Which of the following sentences correctly uses the Past Perfect Continuous tense?

  • A. She had been reading when he called.
  • B. She was reading when he called.
  • C. She has been reading since morning.
  • D. She will have been reading for two hours by the time you arrive.
  • E. She had read the book before he called.

Jawaban: A. She had been reading when he called. Pembahasan: Past Perfect Continuous tense digunakan untuk menyatakan tindakan yang berlangsung di masa lalu sebelum tindakan lain. Struktur tense ini adalah Subject + had + been + verb-ing. Dalam kalimat "She had been reading when he called," tindakan "reading" berlangsung sebelum "he called."

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Soal 4

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To use the printer by connecting it to a computer, software including the drivers needs to be copied (installed) to the computer's hard disk. The installation process takes about 20 minutes. (The installation time varies depending on the computer environment or the number of application software to be installed.) Screens are based on Windows Vista Ultimate and Mac OS X v.10.5.x. Do not connect the USB cable yet. Do not switch users during the installation process. Internet connection may be required during the installation. Connection fees may apply. Consult the internet service provider. It may be necessary to restart your computer during the installation process. Follow the on-screen instructions and do not remove the Setup CD-ROM during restarting. The installation resumes once your computer has restarted. Quit all running applications before installation. Log on as the administrator (or a member of the Administrators group).

Questions The purpose of installing the software to the computer's hard disk is to ....

  • A. make the printer work on the computer
  • B. make the computer work faster
  • C. cause the computer compatible with it
  • D. cause the computer to restart easily
  • E. connect the computer to the printer **

Jawaban: A Pembahasan: Tujuan utama dari menginstal perangkat lunak adalah agar printer dapat berfungsi pada komputer.

Soal 5

Question: A teacher wants to teach Reading Comprehension with the concept of Skimming and Scanning to students. The teacher wants to use a teaching model that is student-centered. Which teaching model is most appropriate to achieve this goal?

  • A. Direct Instruction
  • B. Lecture-Based Learning
  • C. Discovery Learning
  • D. Inquiry-Based Learning
  • E. Traditional Learning

Answer: C. Discovery Learning Detailed Explanation: Discovery Learning is a student-centered instructional model that encourages students to explore and investigate as they learn. This approach is well-suited for teaching Skimming and Scanning in Reading Comprehension because it allows students to actively engage with texts, practice their skills, and discover strategies for quickly finding key information and details.

Soal 6

Mr. Budi is teaching Writing. He needs to design an effective test for assessing students' skills. The material taught includes Sentence Structure and Paragraph Writing. What form of test should be used to measure students' skills in this material?

  • A. Written Test
  • B. Observation
  • C. Self-Assessment
  • D. Peer Assessment
  • E. Oral Presentation

Jawaban: A. Written Test Pembahasan Lengkap: A written test is the most appropriate method to assess students' understanding and application of sentence structure and paragraph writing. It allows students to demonstrate their writing skills directly.

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Soal 7

You want to evaluate students' ability to "analyze" after teaching the material on Analyzing Literary Texts. Which of the following questions is most appropriate for evaluating students in this category?

  • A. What is the main idea of the text?
  • B. Describe the setting of the story.
  • C. Identify the literary devices used in the text.
  • D. Explain the author's purpose.
  • E. Compare the themes of two different texts.

Jawaban: E. Compare the themes of two different texts. Pembahasan Lengkap: Comparing the themes of two different texts requires students to engage in analysis, a higher-order thinking skill in Bloom's Taxonomy. This question prompts students to explore and evaluate the deeper meanings and connections between different literary works. Identifying literary devices, explaining the author's purpose, describing the setting, and determining the main idea are important, but they are more aligned with understanding and remembering.

Soal 8

Effective technical writing is essential for professionals in fields that require precise and clear documentation. Technical documents such as manuals, reports, and project plans must be meticulously crafted to avoid misunderstandings and ensure that the information is conveyed accurately. However, many (8) ... struggle with the intricacies of technical writing due to its complexity and the specific conventions it entails. Our technical writing course offers comprehensive training on how to (9) ... technical documents that are both informative and accessible. By the end of the course, you will be able to write technical content with (10) ... and accuracy, meeting the high standards expected in your industry.

  • A. practitioners
  • B. practitioner
  • C. practiced
  • D. practices
  • E. practicing

Kunci Jawaban: A (practitioners) Pembahasan: Kata yang tepat untuk mengisi bagian yang kosong adalah kata benda jamak yang merujuk pada para profesional yang berpraktik di bidang tersebut, sehingga jawabannya adalah A. practitioners.

Soal 9

  • A. compose
  • B. composition
  • C. composing
  • D. composed
  • E. composer

Kunci Jawaban: A (compose) Pembahasan: Kata kerja yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat ini adalah "compose", yang berarti menyusun atau mengarang, sehingga jawaban yang benar adalah A. compose.

Soal 10

  • A. proficiency
  • B. proficient
  • C. proficiently
  • D. proficientness
  • E. proficience

Kunci Jawaban: C (proficiently) Pembahasan: Kata keterangan yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat ini adalah "proficiently", yang berarti dengan mahir, sehingga jawaban yang benar adalah C. proficiently.

Mau dapatkan Soal berkualitas lainnya? Dapatkan semua soal PPPK : 1) Seleksi Kompetensi Manajerial, 2) Seleksi Kompetensi Sosial Kultural, 3) Wawancara, dan 4) Seleksi Kompetensi Teknis, Klik link dibawah ini sekarang!

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